Unity Feedback and Ideas

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LTT Input in Trust Ledger

In Conveyancer, if you had said yes to the LTT rebate in the consideration tab, the F9 value in the trust ledger would automatically input to show that new amount based off the rebate. However, it would also give you the F7 value of what the LTT was initially. Our office shows the clients the LTT going out and the LTT rebate coming in. So now in Unity, when the LTT Rebate is yes on the consideration tab, the only F9 value coming in is the new amount after rebate. I have to go back to the consideration tab to see what the LTT was and what the Rebate is and manually input both values in the Trust Ledger. It would be great to have that F7 value back to show what the LTT was originally to reduce input errors.

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2022
  • In Development
  • Attach files